Tags: AALEAD Summer

  • A Peek Into The AALEAD Virginia Summer Program

    By: Sharon Rajadurai, VA Summer Programs Intern and AALEAD Virginia Youth Program Coordinators (YPCs) Photos courtesy of AALEAD staff   Virginia Summer programs have been two weeks filled with fun, learning, and growth. Our days begin with ice breakers and team building activities led by our eager Youth Program Coordinators (YPCs). YPC is an opportunity for our high school AALEADers during the summer to develop their leadership skills by participating in the

  • Summer Intern Spotlight: Alani Fujii

    By: Alani Fujii, MD Summer Program Intern

    Photos courtesy of Various Sources

    Nice to Meet Again, AALEAD!

    Hi everyone, my name is Alani Fujii, and I am the Maryland Summer Programs Intern at AALEAD! I am entering my senior year at Barnard College pursuing an Urban Studies and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies degree. I am also a former AALEAD youth! From 2011-2015, I was in the Maryland afterschool and

  • Summer Intern Spotlight: Sharon Rajadurai

    By: Sharon Rajadurai, VA Summer Program Intern Photos courtesy of Sharon Rajadurai Hello all! My name is Sharon Rajadurai and I am this summer’s Virginia Program Intern. I am so excited to be living in Virginia this summer and to be fulfilling this role to the best of my ability.

  • Do You Know Who You Are?

    By Ha Nguyen, Development and Communications Associate Photos Courtesy of AALEAD staff As 2017 starts to wrap up and give way to 2018, we begin to reflect back on how our life has progressed throughout the year. It is essential to not just dwell on mistakes that you have made along the way. It is also about rejoicing for what you have accomplished and drawing lessons on what disappointed you. 2017 has been a roller coaster for me, but I would not take it any other way. Hello eve

  • Summer in a Flash: A Day in the Life of an AALEAD Summer Intern

    By: Tyler Lin, DC Elementary School Program Summer Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff At the DC Elementary School site, Barnard Elementary, the average day is hectic as it comes. Well, you probably wouldn’t think that if you cam

  • Let’s Keep Going, Together

    By Mecca McPherson, DC Middle & High School Summer Program Intern and Stephanie Lim, DC Middle & High School Program Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It’s been such a fun summer for us in the DC Middle & High School Summer Program. We’ve visited museums, gotten the ball rolling on some dope summer projects, staff and youth have facilitated activities and workshops, and we’ve survived through some very contentious rounds of Uno. We accomplish this by spending ne

  • Who Tells Your Story?

    By Diane Bui, MD Middle School Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Sanctuaries DC Storytelling is a skill each person has, but often goes unnoticed. This summer, Asian American LEAD (AALEAD) wants to focus on youth stories and storytelling skills. AALEAD wants to empower our youth to take control of their own story in order to provide a safe space to be open about who they truly are. Our summer theme MIC CHECK focuses on just that: highlighting individual experiences and using a creative outlet t

  • The Return of the Youth to AALEAD VA

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Programs Coordinator Photo Courtesy by AALEAD Staff   Hello again! AALEAD VA Summer Horizons finished with an amazing trip to Six Flags after six weeks of fun and intense activities. [caption id="attachment_14489" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

  • Every Ending Has a New Beginning!

    By Ha Nguyen, VA Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It is hard to believe that the Summer Horizons program at Virginia has come to an end! I guess the saying is true: Time flies when you are having fun. Over the course of the summer, our middle school and high school youth have come together, persevering through challenges and achieving goals that our staff had set for our program; and at the same time have managed to build a strong bond with one another. At the final day

  • And So Our Journey Comes to an End. . . Sort of!

    By Nikki Febrer, MD Summer Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   It’s hard to believe five weeks have passed since the start of Maryland’s Summer Thrive Program. In their final week, youth dedicated their time to working on their PSA videos and poster app challenges. Although no blood, sweat, or tears were actually shed, there was no denying the amount of hard work and effort put forth when each group presented their final projects. I was impressed and awed by their a

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