Tags: after school

  • VAMS Youth Council Explores Ice Cream Flavors!

    By: Amanda C., VAMS Youth Council Member Photos courtesy from various sources Summer is just around the corner, in 57 days to be exact! For many students, summer means, hot and sunny days, pools, no school, vacation time, and my personal favorite; food! There are many different types of treats kids like to eat in the summer, a very popular one being Ice Cream. You probably know about the usual and basic flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, and Mint Chocolate Chip. These are actually the mo

  • My Favorite AALEAD Moment, pt1.

    By: Pallavi Rudrataju, VA Middle School Program Coordinator; and Ha Nguyen, Development & Communications Associate

    Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    The Back to School season is finally upon us. Here at AALEAD, this is the time where our program staff work even more diligently together to kick off the AALEAD's After School and Mentoring Programs for the new

  • Aspire to LEAD 2018: Rooted in our past, creating our future

    By Ha Nguyen, Development and Communications Associate
    Photos and Videos Courtesy of AALEAD staff


    On April 6, 2018, we hosted our annual breakfast fundraiser Aspire to LEAD at the Top of the Town conference facility. This annual event is an opportunity for the AALEAD Board Members and Staff to gather with our community members and share with them the stories of our AALEAD youth.


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