Tags: Asian Pacific American

  • An Asian American LEAD Thanksgiving

    By Neel Saxena, Development & Communications Director Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff Growing up, every Thanksgiving I would sit at my parentā€™s dining room table surrounded by freshly fried samosas, simmering matter paneer, spicy chicken biryani, and canned cranberry sauce - all the while wondering why I couldnā€™t have a ā€œnormalā€ thanksgiving meal like they did on The Wonder Years. The holidays highlighted the duality of my identity and the conflict between my Asian side

  • AALEADers attend “Fresh Off the Boat” Sneak Preview

    By Shobana Modur, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator Photos courtesy of AALEAD staff Last Wednesday evening, a couple of DC AALEAD students and staff were invited to attend a special screening of the upcoming television series, "Fresh off the Boat" at the Newseum.Ā  It is the first Asian-American sitcom in 20 years! Based off Eddie Huang's memoir of the same title, "Fresh off the Boat" tells the story of a Taiwanese family moving from their home in Washington, D.C. to Orlando, FL an

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