• ECAASU 2017: Atmosphere Leads to Expansion

    By Charles Kuo, DC Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   FY17 ECAASU Blog Image 1   18 youth. 3 program staff. 2 vans. 1 life-changing experience. On February 17, 2017, 18 of o

  • Beyond Our Borders: AALEAD at ECAASU ’16

    By Dia Bui, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator

    Photos courtesy of Dia Bui


  • Youth Spotlight: Airah’s ECAASU 2015 Reflections

    By Airah, Current AALEAD Youth Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

    Last month from February 20th to February 22nd, I went with AALEAD to the East Coast Asian American Student Union (ECAASU) Conference held at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. There were 9 students selected from AALEAD students and I felt really honored to be selected as one of the attendees to represent my school and AALEAD. I was really excited to go because I got to learn things that I am passionate about a

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