Tags: Intern Reflection

  • CCMP Summer Internship Reflection: Empowerment with New Perspectives

    By Kenny Hong, College and Career Mentoring Program Intern Photos courtesy of Kenny Hong and Freidricka Camille, College and Career Mentoring Program Coordinator My name is Kenny Hong and, for the past summer, I have been the College and Career Mentoring Program Intern. I am a rising senior at Carnegie Mellon University, and I plan to attend law school next year—granted, that I did not utterly bomb my LSAT a few weeks ago. Over the summer, I have gained tremendous insight into AALEAD, the m

  • What I’ve Learned from the Youth

    By Lili Greenstein, Development & Communications Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff As I began this experience, I expected the typical internship position: filing, drafting cookie cutter tweets, instagram posts and other busy work. What I didn’t expect was to feel more morally and ethically connected to any other organization that I’ve worked for. AALEAD embodies the most important youth development component that I believe is crucial to success. H

  • Every Ending Has a New Beginning!

    By Ha Nguyen, VA Summer Program Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It is hard to believe that the Summer Horizons program at Virginia has come to an end! I guess the saying is true: Time flies when you are having fun. Over the course of the summer, our middle school and high school youth have come together, persevering through challenges and achieving goals that our staff had set for our program; and at the same time have managed to build a strong bond with one another. At the final day

  • And So Our Journey Comes to an End. . . Sort of!

    By Nikki Febrer, MD Summer Programs Intern Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   It’s hard to believe five weeks have passed since the start of Maryland’s Summer Thrive Program. In their final week, youth dedicated their time to working on their PSA videos and poster app challenges. Although no blood, sweat, or tears were actually shed, there was no denying the amount of hard work and effort put forth when each group presented their final projects. I was impressed and awed by their a

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