Tags: Leadership in Action

  • [Youth Stories]- From Youth to Youth Worker: Bhadon S.

    By Charles Kuo, DC Programs Manager Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff   20249760796_88b825dafd_o I first met Bhadon S., an AALEAD intern at the time, during his surprise birthday party held by Tina N. (former AALEAD Mentoring and Volunteer Programs Manager).   Many staff shared how proud they were o

  • Leadership in Action: For the Youth, By the Youth

    By Dia Bui, DC Middle and High School Program Coordinator Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff All month long, in celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, DC youth will be putting leadership into action through leading their own workshops - from Star Wars to origami to League of Legends to food. Since the beginning of April, AALEAD DC youth have been creating and drafting their workshops in pairs and groups based on their topic of choice. Each with their own unique

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