Tags: youth mentoring

  • How Mentors Impact Lives

    By Vi Bui, Youth Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photos Courtesy of AALEAD Staff The end of National Mentoring Month (aka January) marks 11 months that I have worked at AALEAD as the Youth Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator and over the course of this year I have learned so much about the importance of mentors in the Asian Pacific American community. Here are just a few ways mentors impact lives.

    1. Mentors support their mentees in pursuing new

    2. 5 Questions for AALEAD’s Mentor of the Year Nominee

      By Stephanie T., Current AALEAD Mentor Photo Courtesy of Stephanie T.
      Every year AALEAD has a chance to nominate one of our mentors for the Mentoring Matters Coalition Mentor of the Year Award. This year we have nominated one of our Youth Mentors, Stephanie T., who has demonstrated that mentoring can go beyond a formal relationship between an adult and a young person to become a close sisterh

    3. A Young Person on Her Mentor

      By Han L., Current AALEAD Youth and Vi Bui, Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Coordinator Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff

      Han came to the U.S. from Vietnam as a middle schooler, has a passion for film, and was recently a Youth Program Coordinator during the VA Summer Program, MIC CHECK. I first met Han at Annanda

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