Tags: Annandale

  • A Glimpse into VA Youth Led Programs

    By: Liana Shivers and Pallavi Rudraraju, VA High School Program Coordinator and VA Middle School Program Coordinator Photos courtesy of AALEAD staff and various sources Hello everyone! Thank you so much for taking time to check in with VA programs again. We’ve been busy all year, and so have our youth. This time around we want to give you a glimpse at the workshops the youth have led.

    VAMS Youth Council Explores Ice Cream Flavors!

    By: Amanda C., VAMS Youth Council Member Photos courtesy from various sources Summer is just around the corner, in 57 days to be exact! For many students, summer means, hot and sunny days, pools, no school, vacation time, and my personal favorite; food! There are many different types of treats kids like to eat in the summer, a very popular one being Ice Cream. You probably know about the usual and basic flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, and Mint Chocolate Chip. These are actually the mo

  • Top 10 Reasons to Join AALEAD!!!

    By Shaima Ahmad, VA Programs Manager Photo Courtesy of AALEAD Staff It is the start to a new school year, only a few weeks in, and programs have launched slowly but surely in FCPS. When asked why they have joined AALEAD, both new and returning AALEADers joined in the conversation and mapped out expectations for this year...

    Top 10 Reasons to Join AALEAD

    1) Exploring New Cultures (especially through FOOD)

  • AALEAD Making Gains in VA!

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Program Coordinator Hello again! Last year, AALEAD’s Mentoring & Volunteer Programs Manager, Tina, and the VA Programs Manager, Shaima, worked really hard to establish AALEAD’s VA Programs, first through the Mentoring Program, then after school with the VA High School Program at Annandale High School. We are now expanding into Poe and Holmes Middle Schools in the surrounding community. Administrators and counselors in both schools have

  • Hello Again, AALEAD!

    By Yonsoo Kang, VA Middle School Coordinator Photos Courtesy of Yonsoo Kang Hi everyone! My name is Yonsoo Kang and I am the new Virginia Middle School Coordinator based in Annandale!  I'm excited to be part of AALEAD again and to be spreading the wonderful programs this organization has to offer into the VA middle schools. Annandale has a special place in my heart because my father's side of the family lived in that area for decades. Even though I lived in New Jersey until I was ten, I visi

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